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GTFC Squirts has been a great success since commencing in 2005.


We look forward to the Season for all 3 to 5-year-old children participating in Squirts at Grange.


Do you have a child keen to learn a new safe sport in a fun, friendly environment? Then our Squirts program is ideal for you.


The weekly sessions are the perfect introduction to the world’s most popular game for boys and girls aged between 3 and 5.


Our Coaches take the class through a series of football drills that focus on fun.


Every player gets plenty of time on the ball and the prime aim of each session is for children to build fundamental motor skills in a fun, engaging, and inclusive environment.​

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Program Information

​Spots are strictly limited to 15 per group with 3 groups per time slot. 

Children who have turned 3 years of age by 1st of February 2024 up to those who are 5 year old in the same year can sign up for Squirts.
(Note: 5 Year Olds do have the option of playing Miniroos instead of Squirts).

Squirts will be starting on the first Saturday of Competition in 2024
(20 April)
with two session times available. The first session commencing from 8.00am and the second at 9.00am.  Sessions take place on the Main Field in front of the Clubhouse.

The season will run for 18 weeks

Cost: $295

includes a Grange Thistle Jersey (valued at $45)

(That is less than $15 a week)

At Squirts your child will need to wear a sun safe hat, wear sunscreen, have a full water bottle, wear shin pads, shorts, footwear (football boots are optional) and wear long socks. We also encourage parents to be involved as much or as little as they like, to assist their child enjoy the experience.


Further information will be provided upon completion of the Registration and the payment reconciliation.​


Sessions will be running from Saturday 20th April through to Saturday 15th of June. We then break for the school holidays before completing the second period from Saturday 13th July to our completion on Saturday 7th of September. (School holidays commence the 14th of September). 


Register Online for SQUIRTS 

Fill out registration in the link below

Only 9.00am Session available Now


​Payment Options after the form is completed


Electronic Funds Transfer:
Account Name: Grange Thistle Soccer Club Account
BSB: 034010 Account No: 223158
Reference: SQ <Last Name and first initial> (eg SQ Smith J)

** (if there is insufficient space for the full details, please complete fill the available space with as much of the surname as possible).


Pay by Credit Card:
Please ensure your details are correct in the Form and specify the payment by card. A Club member will make contact with you to process the payment.


Please Note Payments need to be complete to secure a spot




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